Röros (Norway)
Explore the cozy mountain village of Röros - 45 minutes from Funäs Ski Lodge is the Norwegian mountain town of Röros, bordering Härjedalen. Röros is one of the few mining towns in the world to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town itself is the main attraction with houses from the 18th and 19th centuries. Röros is also one of Norway's sustainability-labeled destinations.
Activities in Röros
Röros is a paradise for cross-country skiers, the area offers more than a thousand kilometers of groomed trails and stable snow conditions. There is world-class cross-country skiing for different levels with both easy and more demanding trails.
In summer, Röros offers hiking, cycling and fishing in several fantastic nature areas. Explore the national parks Femundmarka, Forollhogna or Jutulhogget which is northern Europe's largest canyon.
Accommodation near Röros
With accommodation at Funäs Ski Lodge you live only 45 minutes from the Norwegian town of Röros and can easily get there during the day by car.
Röros Airport is the closest airport to Funäsfjällen, with scheduled flights to and from Oslo every day. During the winter season (February 3 - April 24), there are weekly charter flights from Stockholm, the trip takes about 80 minutes and costs only SEK 1,995 round trip. For more info, see www.exploreroros.com

Accommodation in Funäsfjällen
Funäs Ski Lodge is a modern and central accommodation of high quality a stone's throw from the lift. With 35 apartments in four sizes...
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Funäs Ski Lodge has a ski-in/ski-out location with the Röstbergsliften lift, on Funäsdalsberget as its nearest neighbor. Funäsdalsberget is the highest mountain in one of six ski areas in Funäsfjällen. The areas are among the most snow-sure in ...
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Funäsfjällen is one of Sweden's most snow-sure areas. Here you will find six ski areas with 135 slopes - all in one lift pass. Skiing in natural snow provides a....
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